05/06/2024 : Monographs page updated, with the new book Souvenirs sur Sergei Chepik, volume 2 (1988-2011).


02/18/2024 : Multimedia page updated with a video : Russian Landscapes (1980-1985), here.


06/27/2023 : Monographs page updated, with the new book Paris painted by Sergei Chepik.


11/06/2022 : Multimedia page updated with a video : Sergei Chepik exhibition November 2021, here.


10/16/2021 : Exhibition page updated : Chepik’s new 2021 retro exhibition in Paris at the Cultural Russian Center, here.


09/29/2019 : Monographs and News pages updated.

09/08/2019 : Exhibition page updated : "Sergei Chepik, London Exhibition, 2019" , here.


03/09/2019 :

- The exhibition "Sergei Chepik, from Russia to Paris with love" at the Cultural and Spiritual Russian Center is extended to April, 16th, here.

- The video "About Petrouchka" (in french and russian) is added, here.


01/13/2019 : Exhibition page updated : "Sergei Chepik, from Russia to Paris with love" at the Cultural and Spiritual Russian Center , here.


11/02/2018 : Exhibition page updated : "Sergei Chepik à la mairie du 6ème arrondissement de Paris" , here.


07/10/2018 : Multimedia page updated with a video : Sergei Chepik in Leningrad, June 1988 (currently subtitled in french), here.


02/18/2017 : Multimedia page updated with a video : Conversations with Sergei Chepik, here.


02/01/2016 : Multimedia page updated with two videos : the interview of Pierre Richard and the opening party of the Jean-François Guillon exhibition, here.


01/22/2016 : Exhibition page updated with a video of "Hommage to Sergei Chepik" in Paris, here.

12/27/2015 : Multimedia page updated with videos, here.

12/13/2015 : Exhibition page updated with the Hommage to Sergei Chepik in Paris, here.


02/09/2014 : Exhibition page "Retrospective 2014" created, with photos and a video, here.

01/22/2014 : New site. Exhibition page updated with the major retrospective exhibition (see Exhibition page).

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