Chepik’s new 2021 retro exhibition in Paris at the Cultural Russian Center (CSCOR) November 4-28

Tuesday- Sunday 14.00- 19.00. Free entrance.

More than 100 works including paintings and graphics which have never been exhibited. Video films in two exhibition rooms. Catalogue (36 pages) on sale.


Catalogue excerpts here (pdf)

Article of Tass (in russian) : https://tass.ru/kultura/13014557

  • 40COUVCHEPIK2021
  • Photo exhibition
  • Photo exhibition
  • Photo exhibition
  • Photo exhibition
  • Photo exhibition
  • Photo exhibition
  • Photo exhibition
  • Photo exhibition
  • Photo exhibition
  • Photo exhibition
  • Photo exhibition
  • Photo exhibition
  • Photo exhibition
  • Photo exhibition
  • Photo exhibition
  • Photo exhibition
  • Photo exhibition
  • invitation2019



Sergei Chepik, London Exhibition, 2019


The exhibition runs from 12th - 30th September 2019.
Catto Gallery pays hommage to Chepik’s powerful art exhibiting about thirty canvases belonging to his Russian period (before 1988) as well as his French period (after 1988 till his death in 2011). A large number of canvases have not been seen by the public since his first exhibition in London in 1989.


Catto Gallery Web site : https://cattogallery.co.uk/artists/sergei-chepik-russian-contemporary-painter/sergei-chepik-exhibition-2019/


  • Exposition Sergei Chepik 2019
  • Exposition 2019





Sergei CHEPIK, from Russia to Paris with love…

Cultural and Spiritual Russian Center

1 quai Branly, 75007 Paris

March, 2 - April 16, 2019 (the exhibition is extended)

2 exhibition rooms dedicated to Chepik’s major paintings: one dedicated to religious works, the other one to the themes of Russia and Paris.


  • Exposition Sergei Chepik 2019



Hommage to Sergei Chepik for the 65th anniversary of his birth: 100 works exhibited ( canvases, pastels, watercolors, graphic works, ceramics…)

Paris, Mairie du Vie, Place Saint-Sulpice, November 15th- December 8th, 2018.


  • Exposition Sergei Chepik 2018




A retrospective exhibition from January 14th to January 30th, 2016

(Canvases, watercolours, pastels, monotypes, drawings, etchings, lithographs, ceramics)

Salle du Vieux Colombier de la Mairie du 6e arrondissement de Paris

Place Saint-Sulpice, 78 rue Bonaparte, 75006 Paris

Métro : Saint-Sulpice

From Monday to Friday : 10.30- 17.00, Thursday : 10.00-19.00, Saturday : 10.00-12.00

Free entrance

  • Hommage à Sergei Chepik 2016
  • Hommage à Sergei Chepik 2016





Among the past exhibitions :



Major retrospective exhibition 2014

January 29- February 13, London, The Mall Galleries, The Mall, SW1(near Trafalgar Square)
the exhibition is open every day from Monday to Sunday, 10 AM- 5 PM.

tel: 00 44 207 930 6844  and   00 44 207 435 6660

Web site : http://www.cattogallery.co.uk

Mail :  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


  • Rétrospective Chepik 2014Rétrospective Chepik 2014

See the Photos and video on the dedicated page, here.





New exhibition of Chepik at the CATTO Gallery, 100 Heath street , Hampstead London NW3, from november 10th to december 24th, 2011: Works: 2010-2011 and new art book THE WHITE GUARD of BULGAKOV illustrated by CHEPIK, with an exhibition of the original drawings.
The catalog of the 2011 Catto exhibition is to be dowloaded here (pdf format : size : 3 MB).



An exhibition of Chepik's new works (2008-2009) ran at the Catto Gallery, 100 Heath Street, London, NW3, from Novembre 26th to December 17th.
See the catalog here (pdf format, size : 2 MB).

CHEPIK : SOLO EXHIBITION : Sergei Chepik, works 2007-2008, The Catto Gallery, London-Hampstead, June 29th- July 17th 2008.
The Last Supper and The Redemption, two monumental canvases painted in 2007, will be exhibited.  See the catalogue, here (pdf format, size : 4 MB)

CHEPIK : EPIFANIA (in french and italian)

Major exhibition of religious works in the French Cultural Center of Milano, Palazzo delle Stelline, Corso Magenta 63, from January 17th to February 15th 2008. See the catalogue, here (pdf format, size : 2 MB).


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